Friday, September 25, 2009
Done with Radiation!!!!
So the month of August came and flew by. I have no idea where it went. It is crazy to think that summer is almost gone. I have now been fighting Leukemia for 4 months and it already seems like a lifetime, but yet not…..It’s crazy. Joe has been so strong and my true foundation through everything these past couple of months and I am so impressed with this man that I married. He is remarkable and loving and so so so so good to me!! He once again never left my side at the hospital this last month. I jinxed myself last month; unfortunately…….in August I had my last official stays in the hospital. I pretty much ran out of those hospital doors and swore that I would not be back there again, unless I desperately needed to….fever or sickness of some kind…….but of course….my body decided to catch an infection in my central line. So I ended back up in the hospital for some intense 10 days. They had to remove my central line from my chest, and I ended up developing a severe case of thrush which brought on a severe case of pneumonia, which almost put me into the ICU. I don’t remember much of this because I was pretty out of it for the first little while. Sorry visitors……I would just pass out while they were speaking to me. But I eventually pulled through and got so antsy to get out of there. I have a really hard time being cooped-up in those little rooms, but I had my wonderful husband by my side. School just happened to start that week too so Joe was running to school, work, and staying with me at the hospital, sleeping on the uncomfortable pull-out bed. He’s a saint, that boy.
Well I eventually got out over Labor Day weekend and I was able to go up to Brighton with my cute family and relax and un-wind. I think we all enjoyed it and it was so nice to spend some wonderful time out in Heavenly Father’s beautiful nature. We went for little walks and got to see a huge 800 pound moose right up close. He was beautiful! He had the biggest antlers that I had ever seen. I would have been a goner if he’d charged, but he was content to watch us as we were to watch him.
I started my radiation therapy that following week, after Labor Day. I did a series of 8 sessions of brain radiation. They fit me for a mask that fits perfectly around my head. It hooks up to a flatbed and prevents me from moving a single inch as the lasers pass around my head. The process takes a whole 5 minutes to do the treatments, so that has been great. I wasn’t too nervous for these treatments because I heard that it is painless, but it would really drain the energy from me. That I have felt. My brain is definitely a bit slower and I am really enjoying a lot more naps these days. But I am okay with that. As I’ve been doing radiation, I’ve also had to get multiple lumbar punctures (spinal taps), so those have made me the most anxious. I was pretty sick with my first one, last Tuesday. I was throwing up all day, pretty much. They hit me hard that first day. I had a radiation treatment, spinal tap, where they injected 3 different types of chemo into my spine, and then as I re-cooped after the spinal tap, they gave me 2 more types of chemo through my new pick-line. So I was done by the time I came home. But the rest of the week went pretty smoothly. I had another spinal taps that Friday but I came to realize if I was really good with my nausea medication I didn’t get as sick.
So now I’m done with radiation!!!! Also with spinal taps for 18 weeks!!!! Merry early Christmas to me. This week I sort of have “off” so I have had a chance to relax and have a semi normal week. I got to go visit my cute kids I taught at Heartland Elementary and see all my fun teachers. Thanks again Erin for wearing your surgeon mask to make me feel less silly with my huge mask! You’re the best!
I love you all! And I promise to be better at this. I will try to write weekly. Love, Britney Jill
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Last Days in Consolidation 1-C. Yahoo!!!!!
It's Britney here. I'm just hanging out at the hospital for a couple of days. This stay is the last of the "official" stays in the hospital. That has made it a whole lot easier for me. I'll officially be a out-patient!! Yahoo!! That makes me soooo happy. As nice as the care is here at LDS hospital, it's always just a little bit nicer to be at home and to sleep in your own bed. I missed that last night....but I had my loving and supportive husband with me. He slept right beside me in the good ol' lazy-boy again. He slept in that chair the whole month I was first admitted to the hospital. He only missed one night only because he was trying to move us into his parents' house and it was 11:30 at night and I made him stay home. :) I love him soooo much!
So I just wanted to today a little of my treatment plan that I am going through so you can understand the title to this blog entry. :) My first month stay in the hospital was titled Induction. Which was to induce me into remission. Once I was officially in remission i started the consolidation 1 phase of my treatment. This phase is split into three sections,each section being three weeks long. Consolidation 1-A, 1-B and 1-C. This Monday I just started consolidation 1-C. I'm receiving high doses of a specific chemotherapy drug and are also introducing me into a new chemo so they want to keep an eye on me and see how I do. So far I have done great with each new chemo drug so we are crossing our fingers that history will repeat its self. I will continue this new drug for a few more days after I am out of the hospital tomorrow. :) After this phase I get a nice little break for 2 weeks and then start the Central Nervous System Radiation Phase. I go in every day for CNS radiation for 2 weeks. Eight sessions of cooking my brain! :) Also during these 2 weeks I'll have to have 4 spinal taps... sooooo they say i will be very tired and run down. But at least I won't be nausea and it will give me an excuse to take some good naps! :)
In October I will start Consolidation 2 Phase which lasts for 36 weeks. It will consist of more chemotherapy but no more hospital stays!!! I'll get to do more chemo at home and a once a week visit to the Clinic here at LDS hospital. I should react well to this because I will be given the same chemos Ive had these late few months. Following Consolidation 2 I will be in the Maintenance Phase of my treatment. This will be the longest and final phase which is about a year long, and it will finish out my two year treatment. :)
I have been so blessed with good health for what circumstances I've been given. I know so many of our prayers have been answered, as well as all the prayers that continue to be offered for us. We love you all so much and are so grateful for everyone that has supported us through these last few months. Thank you soooo much!!! I will try to keep this updated more often, sometimes its hard for me to sit down and write. Thank you again Kenzie for all your wonderful work on this blog, I love you! Love Britney.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Day wayyyyy to many
Britney is sooooo amazing. Every single day this week she has gone up to LDS hospital for chemotherapy. It takes about an hour and a half each time. (Depending on which nurse she gets) She is such a trooper and we are so proud of her. I went with her on Friday, and it just amazes me how well she is doing. The nurses will ask her what side effects she feels, and her response is usually “oh, nothing, I’m fine”. I do not want to take away form the “seriousness” of what she is going through, because it is not easy, but she is just amazing. She says all the time how grateful she is that she is doing so well.
She has a small “break” from chemo this weekend, but she gets hit hard again next week. I will do my best to keep you posted.
Everything takes her a lot longer to do which is fine, just a side effect. Her muscles ache, and she can get tires very quick. Its funny, because sometimes I just forget and will just start walking, and I turn around and she is still getting out of the car…. No big deal of course, just saying…
As of now, she takes about 15 pills a day. Sometimes it will be more, sometimes less. She rarely complains and I admire her for that.
Love ya Brit.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
July 28
Regardless she is still being brave and getting rid of these bad news bears.
Love ya Brit.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
As for Britney, she continues to fight and is doing well. As far as I know nothing else has changed. Her levels continue to rise, and she is such an amazing fighter. I love her so much and Brit I am so proud of everything you do. You are so strong. Everyday I am so thankful to know you.
Lots of love, Kenzie
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Home Sweet Home
Anyway, she is home and feeling better. She said the visit was VERY boring and she hated it. I do not blame her.
Remember those numbers I talked about weeks ago about her platelets? Well, I have good news… She has her own now, and they are at 240,000… This is great. (They were I think around 9,000 when admitted, maybe 13,000 Its one of the 2….) Anyway, so this is the update I have for now. Thanks to everyone who still reads this…. Keep Britney in your prayers!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Day I dont know
Thank you to everyone for all your love and support for Britney. She loves it!!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Brit's 5 K
Friday, June 26, 2009
Day 45
I also want to thank everyone else for all of your love and support and PRAYERS!!!! Thank you soooo much for your concern and for following Joe’s and my journey with leukemia. And I am glad to tell everyone that as of June 19, 2009, I was officially told that I was in REMISSION!!! Based on a bone marrow biopsy, I have less than 1% of leukemia left in my bone marrow!!! Which is awesome and a miracle! To be officially pronounced in remission you have to have less than 5% of leukemia in your bone marrow. So I passed!! YAHOO!! So I am in remission, which means they have control of my leukemia and they are going to make sure it doesn’t come back. So here is the start of a looonnngggg two years.
But there has been a little hick-up in my treatment as of right now…..As Kenzie had mentioned, once I was pronounced “in remission” I was to be immediately placed back into the hospital where I would be treated with some more wonderful chemo for 3-7 days. Well, I haven’t been admitted to the hospital yet. Unfortunately, due to a previous chemo, and 2 other forms of medication, my liver is inflamed. The liver is a helpful filter and I really need it to be strong to filter out my chemos, but it has been damaged. The doctors are trying everything they can to reverse it. Because of my inflamed liver, I have come down with an icky case of jaundice. My skin is a pretty yellow and so are my eyes. It’s also made me super thirsty and made me retain water….especially in my poor little feeties.
As of today, my jaundice is improving and my eyes are getting lighter. I’m still really thirsty, but my swelling is going down too. I’m keeping my feet up and trying to take it easy. Also, a small blessing from all of this is that because of my liver and not being hospitalized yet, I get to go camping with my family up at the Snake River in Wyoming. It’ll just be from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. A short and sweet little trip. I’m excited to go be in the fresh air and I’m excited that my honey gets to run the river that he loves. He and Joe’s family have been running the Snake River every year since Joe can remember, so he is so excited to go. As am I!!! I get to go on the river too, but just on the kiddie run. But I am ok with that. It will feel so good to be out in Heavenly Father’s beautiful nature and float lazily down a river.
I’ll continue to keep you all updated. Please keep following our blog and thank you again for all of your many prayers. They are working miracles!! I love you all soooo very much and don’t be strangers. Keep up the prayers! Have a wonderful weekend!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Day 33.... I think
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Garage sale success
Today was an amazing day at the garage sale. To be honest it was a much better turn out than I had anticipated. It is truly rejuvenating to see how many people love, care, and support our sweet Britney. The bake sale in my opinion was the best; there were so many cookies, cakes, cupcakes, lemon squares, bread. Yummy. Toward the end, like the last hour I would say, we started “liquidating” all the items. We just tried to get rid of as much as possible. It was awesome.
We did have quite a bit left over, but we took it to D.I, and also saved some of it for another garage sale in the future. Somebody in Brits ward donated a fishing boat, and we sold it for full price. We had talked about maybe lowering the price in order to get rid of it, but everyone was so giving, and we sold it for what we wanted.
This one particular woman stopped by after going to the post office. She said that she just saw the signs for it. She shopped for quite a while, and we gave her some good deals. As we were “closing the deal”, if you will, I mentioned that all the proceeds were going to my best friend who had recently been diagnosed with leukemia. She immediately said that she felt so bad for her. She sent her love to Brit and wished her well.
Well, about an hour or so later, the same woman showed back up and donated an additional $20 dollars because she felt so bad for getting such a good deal. I just thought it was so kind that she would do that. I love how giving people are. Jill (Britney’s mom) said that as she left (the woman who got the “good deal”), she got into her car and was crying. I keep getting teary eyed even thinking about this woman. I just have so much love for her that she would even think to come back and donate more. It was so nice, and I felt so bad that she felt bad.
Anyway, Brit came for a while and was able to see everyone that was there. We were able to get some fun pictures of her and her cousins. ….. Welcome Meg who flew in from Hawaii this morning…. I love you! The weather could not have been much better. It sprinkled for a few minutes, but it felt so nice. It was seriously perfect. We had a huge car port type thing, so most everything stayed dry while it sprinkled.
Britney was so thankful to everyone that helped. Her and Joe stayed for a while and visited. It is sad because she looked very tired. I think it is just because she is home now, and wants to do all sorts of things. Truth is, she has been in pretty much one room for weeks, and has not been use to doing so much for a while. The past few days have probably just been a little much for her. Nonetheless, she is still amazing. She felt nauseated today, which is never fun but she is keeping that beautiful smile on her face.
Well, this is quite the long post, so enjoy some pictures from our day. Thanks again to everyone who came.I have so much love for everyone today, especially my mom and sisters for helping, and making so many cute things.I truly love you all so much,and I am so forever thankful for you.
We love you Brit!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Garage Sale and Update
Tomorrow if it is raining, the garage sale will be moved. Not sure to when at this point, but Ill let everyone know. As for now, the rain is supposed to hold off until the afternoon. I am crossing my fingers for that.
Thank you to everyone who has been calling and offering to donate. It truly means a lot. Just a reminder, please have your items to the house at 6:30 so I can be set up and be as organized as possible.
We are hoping for a success.
Thanks again for everyone’s love and support for Brit and Joe!
Shout out to Rach: We are so happy your baby Mason is here (aka ZU ZU). He is adorable.
As far as Britney is concerned, she is still doing well. She had an appointment today with her doctors. They took her blood, and gave her some good results. Everything continues to rise. Keep on fighting Brit. We love you!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Day Twenty Eight
I don’t know too much about what is going on today. I do know that Brit is home. She saw true blue sunlight for the first time in 28 days. I cannot imagine that. She is very sleepy. As soon as she got home, she and Joe went on a walk. Right when she got home from the walk, she went to bed. That is all I know for today.
We love you Brit, and we will all continue praying for your quick recovery.
For all of you wondering about Saturday, most weather reports are showing a morning with no rain, then showers in the afternoon. I am not sure on this of course, because every channel says something different. We will play it by ear. I am trying to reserve a different spot so it can still happen regardless, but I do not know if it is allowed. I will keep you all updated. Just keep checking in here on the blog. Call me with any questions. 8015971404
Thanks again, Kenzie
Monday, June 8, 2009
Day Twenty-Six
WBC need to be at 500 to leave the hospital. Yesterday they were at 100, and today they were at 400!!! YAHOO
Platelets today were at 127,000, need to be 150,000
This is sooooooo great and the doctors are pleased. Tomorrow we will know more for sure if she can go home Wednesday.
The 16th is planned for spinal tap and bone biopsy. Most likely it will be an out patient procedure so she will be able to go home that day and recover on her own The goal for that day will be that there will be less than 5% leukemia cells in her marrow. At that point, we will know if Britney is officially in remission.
If Britney is in remission, the phase will be 9 weeks. Once every 3 weeks she will have some over night visits. Maybe 3 nights, maybe 7. It just totally depends.
Brit has had quite a few questions. For example with her mask, she wonders how much she will really have to wear it. Her doctor told her to use her own judgment. If she goes out to dinner, then maybe go at a time when she knows it won’t be too busy. Ask for a table that is not really around people. If she goes on a walk, she will have to wear it if its windy. If she goes to a baseball game of Treven’s (her little brother) then just sit in the bleachers and again, give herself some space. Basically like I said, it will just be using her own judgment.
Brit wonders if she can drive. “Chemo-brain” is common, and Brit compares it to “brain farts”. We all know the feeling. Almost like a sugar rush. The doctor said again, just to use her judgment; she needs to let people know where she is going and stuff like that.
She has had a sore mouth the past few days. She has asked a few nurses how long it is supposed to be like that, and no one will really give her an answer. The doctor answered her finally and she just said most people suffer quite a bit. Britney has avoided the actual “mouth sores”, which is such a blessing. Nonetheless, it is still very sore, and very dry. She has been diligent with her mouthwashes and brushing. Her doctor was confident that she would heal quickly from that just as if she has with pretty much everything else. Joe also gave her a blessing today to help her with that, so she is happy that Heavenly Father is helping as well.
Well, that’s all I really have for today. Oh, wait….. The wig guy is coming in tomorrow for her to try on a few different styles, so she is really looking forward to that.
TTFN, Kenzie
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Day Twenty-five

Day 25
It seems crazy, absolutely crazy that it is day 25. Britney continues to conquer. We are all hoping and praying for an early release, which if all goes well, will be this Wednesday.
Once Brit is home, she is not exactly able to work. Her immune system is still very much compromised. She will be too weak, at least for now. ANY time she goes outside, she must wear the mask. The mask is hot and stuffy. The mask prevents Brit from catching any bugs, or virus’s. IT gives me a new understanding of other people wearing masks. I had always kind of thought that people were weird and paranoid that would walk around with masks on. I now understand that she is protecting herself from us. We cannot get anything from “The mask wearers”
I will explain more once I understand about the treatment that she still has to endure. Radiation still has not come, and it is tentatively scheduled for August. Every day she has to do oral chemotherapy for the full 2 years. To Brit this means more than most of us will ever understand. But to me, it means that for at least 2 years, Britney isn’t quite healthy, and her hair will be gone for that long at least.
Luckily, we all know a very strong willed woman. We all know that Britney’s smile cannot be affected by this trial. She is pressing forward with faith and a big, bright smile on her face.
I love you Brit, and I can’t wait to be with you, out of that hospital. (Even tough we have already had some good times in there)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Day Twenty Four
Everyone mark it on your calendar.
We are doing a garage sale for a special cause!
We are going to be selling Britsky’s bumbles, which are watches in her “color”. $15
There is going to be a bake sale where you can get yummy treats… Prices vary
Haircuts: aka going “Bald for Brit” $10
And of course the garage sale.
Where: 10095 South Redwood Road (Right across the street form the South Jordan Post Office)
When: Saturday, June 13th
Time: 7am-12:00pm
Please come and tell your friends, family and neighbors
If you have anything that you want to donate, please call me (Kenzie) at 801-597-1404
I am asking that you have your things there at 6:30 so we can set it up.
If all goes well this week, Britney is hopefully going to be able to come home and continue treatment from home.
Love, Kenzie
Friday, June 5, 2009
Day twenty-three
Brit is a fighter!!! All her levels have gone up all by themselves. Platelets,
She is feeling great and her energy is good today. She has had days where all she wants to do is sleep. Her immune system is still very much compromised. It will continue to be this way for about 2 years. She found out today that she has to wear the “mask” for about 2 years after she is released in public. I suggest drawing a joker smile on it… He he he.
Keep up the good work Brit!! I love you!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Day Twenty-One

Britney needed a spinal tap done. A spinal tap is basically where they inject chemotherapy into your spinal fluid. At they same time, they also withdraw other spinal fluid to test it to see how much cancer was in there. Normally, this procedure should take about 10 minutes, but for some reason or another it took them around 45 minutes. And let me also mention it is painful.

They also tell you, once the procedure is done, that you shouldn't move for a few hours because it will hurt and give you excruciating headaches. So basically, she had to stay in one position, or be in horrible pain AND have a migraine on top of it.
As they were wheeling her back to her room, she was just in so much pain. She couldn't move. She was crying. Joe was having a hard time too just watching her. I can't even imagine what that must be like. So Britney had Joe give her a priesthood blessing. After the blessing, she fell asleep and was able to sleep for a few hours and wake up feeling better.

This has been a hard week for Britney and unfortunately, it is only the beginning of a long hard road. She really needs our love and support at this time so to end this post, I thought we might end on a more positive note for Brit.

At the hospital, almost all the walls on the eighth floor are covered in white paper and you can write whatever you want on them. You can draw pictures or tell jokes or write inspiring words on them. I think it helps to have those fun words and memories for the patients to see every day. I think it helps lift them up and give them hope.

So in honor of the wall and to continue the fun for those that can't make it to the hospital, I want everyone to post a comment to Britney about memory or inside joke or anything you want to tell her to make her feel better. You could tell about the first time you met her, a funny memory you had together, or just reasons you love and care for her. I will not post mine here, as I will put it in the comment section. Hopefully we can put a smile on that beautiful face!
We love you Brit and Remember to Just Keep Swimming!

pictures were taken by Celeste Grover from Studio C Photography about a week before she shaved her head. I think they fit pretty well into this post about Hope! I love you Britney! ~Mel
Monday, June 1, 2009
Day Twenty
I cannot believe it is day 20. As you all can tell, Brits hair is gone. I have never seen anyone look so good! I was a little nervous to be honest to see Brit for the first time, just because I didn’t really know what to expect. It was as normal as can be. I am not sure why I was expecting anything else, I was just nervous I guess. Anyway, she pulls it off well. I am truly not that surprised, she can pull off a lot of different looks.
Down to business: I haven’t talked to Brit much today, but the only update I really have is kind of stupid according to her. The doctors told her that her last labs showed too many lipids in her blood (this is normal).
When she was admitted, she was instantly on a “low-microbial” diet. You can go to( to learn more about that…
SOOOOO…. Now she is on not only the low microbial diet, but now, this just in, a low fat diet. How LAME. I guess it will be good, but it really puts a damper on the situation. It was irritating not being able to eat fresh fruits/vegetables/anything cold, but now low fat…. “You gotta roll with the punches” Brit. I have been singing that song all day.
Clearly, a low fat diet is good for anyone, not just cancer patients. BUT, when you are confined to a room for weeks and weeks, food is something that you look forward to. Its gotta be a big bummer when it gets taken away from you. I guess my advice would be just go extreme. Make it worth it.
I love you Brit, and so do sooooo many others. Keep your chin up. I seriously think you are so dang cute with your hair that way. Just embrace it, and show it off!!!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Day nineteen
Britney hated today
Highlight: Britney’s nieces and nephews came in with swimming caps to look like her. It made her feel good. They got up on the bed with her and took some pictures.
Alma 40:23 The soul shall be restored to the body, and the body to the soul; yea, and every limb and joint shall be restored to its body; yea, even a hair of the head shall not be lost; but all things shall be restored to their proper and perfect frame.
I know this is hard Brit, but I think this scripture says it pretty well. We will be restored to our proper and perfect frame.
Britney wanted me to give a shout out to Erin. Thank you so much for being such an amazing support to Britney. She loves you so much, and is happy that you get to share your experiences together. Funny how things work out, but Cassie must have known what she was doing when she put you 2 together.
We love you Britney!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Day Eighteen
Sorry for the slack. Life has caught up with me….
Well, these past few days have been fun. Britney continues to do well. Friday night we had a girl’s night and were able to hang out and be with Brit just like old times. She dressed up in her getup, and we wandered the 8th floor of LDS hospital for some time. We got some fun pictures and drew on the wall. We all literally just sat for hours, told stories, and laughed. Rachael and Mary brought up some yummy chocolate covered strawberries and crumble for the nurses/doctors on the 8th floor. (Which by the way, they all loved)
It is so good to get together with us girls. Its funny all this time has passed, and all of our lives have changed in so many different ways, yet somehow, when we all get together everything just goes away, and we just enjoy each other for a night.
Brit has had a break from chemo for a few days. She is still on the steroid drip, and a few antibiotics, but the chemo will not start again until I believe Tuesday.
Every time I talk to Britney she just amazes me more and more. She has the attitude that every person should have. She knows that Heavenly Father is going to take care of her, plain and simple.
One entry I have not wanted to write about came knocking at my door tonight. Britney called me and said she is loosing her hair. Not just a little bit. She decided she is going to shave it tomorrow. Other people that have been through the same thing HIGHLY suggest this. (I wrote more about this several posts back)
It is funny how our minds will play tricks on us. Because Brit has been doing so well, it just seems weird that she is even there. We even joke that we are going to sneak her outta there and go run errands. Everyday I just keep thinking that it will not happen to her (the hair loss). I do not know if it is just false hope or what, but inside it is just hard to accept. Maybe it would have been one thing if she had not been doing so well.… Fact is, Britney is suffering from a disease, and the hair loss, at least for me, gives me a big fat dose of reality again. (I hope that does not sound weird) Life is more important that the hair on our heads though, and it is so great that she understands that.
Your life is going to be so enriched for this experience Brit. You are so amazing, and I wish I had even a fraction of your faith. Joe is the luckiest man ever! I am so happy that you 2 get to spend eternity together. Isn’t that the greatest feeling?
I love you Brit!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Day Fifteen
Day 15
Today Britney continues to do awesome. She is receiving some red blood cells through her central line. She has noticed herself getting a little light headed when she showers. Because her red blood cells are compromised, the flow of oxygen isn’t quite good enough to her brain. The “donor” cells have what she needs, so that is what she is getting today.
Brit had a full nights rest last night thanks to some good sleeping pills. The previous 2 nights she slept horrible, so they decided she was ok to take an ambien (sleeping pill). The doctors try to avoid scheduled medication like that, but they also know her rest is important. She was happy about that decision. She got a full 8 hours and feels great.
Every day around 4 am she gets “labs” taken. This tells the doctors how she is doing. A few hours later, they come report to her. Today was another day where they had nothing new to report. They even joked and said she was “boring”. No news is good news in this situation.
As promised, here is a picture of her shorter hair cut. We colored some more today and just hung out. I love spending time with you Brit!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Day Fourteen
Britney reports she is still doing great. She actually uttered the words that she feels guilty she isn’t sick. She is truly so thankful that she is doing so well. She is getting the itch to go home. She wants to go run errands and get things done. Good ol Joe is being a champion and taking care of business. I imagine that would be close to torture if you were literally confined to a room for 4 weeks. It would be one thing if she was feeling yucky, but she isn’t. She is trying hard to take advantage of her good days, they may be few and far between soon. (I’m keeping my fingers crossed that nothing changes)
Britney spent the day with Eb (her little sister). They decorated the room some more. Disney glitter princess pictures are all over the walls. They played some games with those sticky toys that you through at the walls/mirrors. She said even the RN joined in and played for a while. She is conjuring up some pranks to pull on the doctors. That is so Brit.
For now I don’t have any other information. I am glad about that, Id much rather be writing these good day’s entry’s.
Britney wants everyone to know how much she loves and appreciates you all.
We love you Britney!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Day 13
They said if she continues to do so well, they could release her a few days early. Tomorrow she will be starting her chemotherapy again. She is a champion. You can do this Brit.
Thank you so much to everyone praying for Britney. I think it is obvious that the prayers are working.
Keep your comments coming!!!!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Day Twelve
Britney’s night was a little crazy. Because of the diabetes, her sugars have been a little crazy which makes her irritable when they are high. She said she didn’t sleep well. Night time brings “night sweats” which are never fun. For all you women who have been through menopause, she sends her love. She is doing well every time they prick her fingers. She says she truly cannot feel the insulin shots at all. What a trooper. Her tummy is full of bruises, and the ones on her arm are still there, and still large.
Britney truly never ceases to amaze me. I am just so proud of her. I spent quite a while with her tonight, and there is nothing but a smile on her face. I am sorry if I sound like a broken record, but she is taking this adventure like a champ.
I am sure when the lights go out, and its nothing but her and her thoughts, she is terrified. I am sure that the thought of losing her hair, the possibility of becoming infertile, the thought that she may be so sick that she may not want to even get out of bed, the possibility that this 4 weeks isn’t that last 4 weeks of chemo. All of these things and more probably do haunt her thoughts. But that is not what matters.
What matters is that she understands that the Lord knows her situation. She is confident that this cancer is going to be short lived. She knows that she can do it. She knows that her life will forever be changed and she is going to fight.
Brit, I love you so much. I love your stories. I absolutely love listening to you. I love spending time with you and being here.
Mel, Thank you so much for taking over for a few days. You did a great job.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Day Eleven
While we sat and laughed and talked, Joe, came and cuddled with his Brit on the bed and fell asleep. Man, did he look tired! Joe is honestly amazing. The love he has for Britney is so awesome! Did you know that he has spent every single night there with her? Sleeping in a chair!! I asked him if he had slept at home at all and this is exactly what he said, "No, I have spent every night here with her. I will not leave until I leave with her."
Did you also know that on top of this he has packed up their whole house and moved their stuff to his parents? Do you also know that he has a wedding coming up this week in his family that he is trying to help out with as well? Did you also know that he goes to work full time? Did you also know that when I tried to call Britney one day, he called me back to fill me in on the news just because she was napping and he wanted to let her sleep?
What LOVE!
Joe did look so tired and worn out. Sometimes we (or maybe just I) tend to forget that there are many other people suffering along with Britney. I am quite sure that he has had one of the hardest weeks in his life. Just watching her and knowing that there is nothing he can do is probably just as hard on him as it is on Britney.
While we were in the room, Brit left for a minute to go to the bathroom and we continued and talking and laughing. I don't remember exactly what we were talking about at the moment, but I do know that at one point he looked up at us and said, "I love her so much!" I could truly see the love for her and the pain he is also feeling.
Oh Joe, you are seriously so wonderful and amazing! I know Brit is doing as good as she is and fighting as hard as she can because she has you to love her and help her and support her.
So tonight, I want us to remember Joe in our prayers with Britney. He has been her rock through all of this and truly needs our prayers as much as she does. Keep being the best husband you can be! We LOVE you Joe!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Day Ten
First off, we have some good news, more good news, more good news, unsure news and REALLY good news!! YAY! The REALLY good news is they tested Brit's blood again and there is 0% leukemia in her blood cells! 0%!! It is amazing that within 10 days, her amazing body has dropped the cancer in her blood from 17% to 0%! What a feat! So of course, it is no wonder that she is so tired all the time. I myself decided to not go in today like I had originally planned, due to the fact that she is so worn out and needs her rest.
The next good news is that the past 4 days, Brit has been getting the "hard" Chemo drugs, which plays a big part in how tired she is, but she is going to get a break for a few days. Which means that hopefully her body will catch up on some much needed rest and she will start feeling a bit better for the next few days.
More good news...(I must say I like all this good news and I could get used to it!) Anyways, when the Doctors tested her blood, they also tested her Chromosomes and found that they are doing really well. Basically this means that there isn't anything funky or weird going on with her so treatment will be going on fine. Also she doesn't have a certain chromosome that a lot of leukemia patients end up having so her body will react better to her treatment. Nothing weird so far to add on to all she is already putting up with. What a fighter! What a Gal!
The final good news is really not that important, but she still hasn't really lost any hair yet. Of course, that doesn't mean she won't, but as of this morning, she still had her full head of hair. When I talked to her I asked if she had lost any hair and she said, "Well I went into the bathroom and ran my fingers through my hair and 2 strands came out." haha. 2 strands! No matter what, she will always be beautiful!
Ok now onto the "unsure news". The big Kahuna we are waiting on. Just because the cancer in her blood is down, does not mean that it is gone. Especially in her bone marrow. They still don't know exactly how much cancer is in her marrow at this point. Next week they will take more of her marrow out to test it. This also is where most of her leukemia is so we just hope and pray that it is going down! Taking marrow is a very painful procedure so they don't test it quite as often as the blood. Keep up the great work Brit!
Isn't it amazing what the human body can do?
Britney is truly being blessed. Her body is working so hard and she is so lucky to have so much love and support coming her way. I asked her if there was anything she wanted me to put and she just said she wanted everyone to know that she loves everyone and their prayers and she just wants everyone to keep their spirits up. What a cutie, to think of us and that we should all keep our spirits up. Oh, Brit! We love you!
Mel(I am posting this weekend while Kenzie is out of town)
p.s to end with one more bit of good news...she said wasn't as sick today as yesterday and didn't even throw up once!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Well friends, time has come. Day by day it is getting harder for Brit to stay awake for visitors. Dont get me wrong, she still needs them, and lots of them. It is just time to put some hours on it. She requests drop in visitors to come inbetween 4 and 8pm. Please call before you come so she can let you know if she is up to it or not. For all of you that have to come from lands far away, make sure to call... The nurses can send you away at this point. She REALLY needs a lot of rest to get better.
Also, tell your friends and family about the blog. Remind them to read it. I will continually update Brits progrss. Send love and prayers.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Day 8
Day 2 of “hard” chemo. YUCK!!! Brit’s life is changing right before our eyes. Today she is still feeling ok, not great, but OK. She is achy today, especially her back. She is not sure if that is because she is sitting up a lot because of visitors. On the other hand, maybe it is the effects of chemo hitting a little harder today. Most likely, it is a little bit of both.
I got there around 5, and she looked tired. She had not really slept all day except for a 20 minute little nap earlier. It apparently was not enough though, because she truly did look worn out. I lied down next to her in her bed and rubbed her back for a while. I told her some stories about my day, and she did the same. I liked it.
Yesterday I explained that the chemo is injected through her central line. Several other liquids are as well. One of the problems with chemotherapy is that it is literally a poison. Its job is to kill the bad news bears. In actuality, chemo does not really know what to kill, it just knows to destroy. If the nurses/doctors were to only inject chemotherapy, and leave it in her system, it could be detrimental.
Because of this, they push saline and other liquids through her system, (LOTS OF THEM) to ensure that the chemo is not staying in one place too long. It could destroy her urinary system, and much more. The additional liquids move everything along quickly. Lots of liquid = many potty breaks. She said she feels like a 5 year old again.
You know the times when you were playing outside, COMPLETLEY ignoring the fact that your body was telling you to go. Finally, at the very last second, you run in through the door, run to the bathroom and BARLEY make it. Yeah, she described it like that. The difference is, she does not really have a warning. Just hits her like a ton of bricks. (Except different, lol)
Eight days ago, she was given a pole. One end of the pole is her “drips”. They hang high above her head, and there are tubes that carry the meds from that end, to the other end, which essentially is Brits central line. K, well just try to picture something constantly attached to you. There is no way around it. It is her best friend for the time being. They even suggested she give it a name, which she did.
This pole goes on walks with her, goes potty with her, dress and undresses, showers with her, and sleeps with her. You name it. (I don’t know what else to call them besides cords) Anyway, point of the story, is that it must be annoying. However, I am very grateful for her pole. It gives her the medication every second of every day that she needs in order to get over this nasty little disease. It has its own little brain. It even beeps when the meds are getting low. It beeps again, and again, and again if the nurses are not there soon enough. She just pulls/pushes it around every step she takes. I am so happy that we have been blessed with technology.
Well, I am going to end tonight by telling you what her poles name is. It has had one name and one name only all 8 days of this journey. It will go down in history, I am certain about that. The name is: Shithead pronounced (shaw-THAYD) or ("Sh' Theed") Bah ha ha ha ha ha!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Day Seven



Day 7
The chemotherapy was injected into Brits central line today. As of
Britney’s levels are changing day to day. I have explained in previous posts, that this is completely normal and to be expected. Her platelets are at 17,000 today. This number will continue to change as well. A “healthy” person can expect numbers around 200,000-300,000. She was admitted with platelets at 14,000. Over the week, she had to have donor platelets in order to get her system ready for the marrow biopsy and central line placed. (Both of which involve surgery, which leads to blood) Low platelets = no clotting (BAD). The highest her platelets have been over the week is around 65,000, but remember those were not all hers. Anyway, I hope that makes sense.
Britney has a good friend that she works with at the school who had a similar form of cancer a few years back. She suggested to Britney to start now, and have complete control over this disease. She suggested to Britney that she does not put off the inevitable.
The majority of patients that go through chemotherapy at this level DO in fact loose their hair. Britney’s friend told her that it is important that she feel in control. If she wakes up, and finds her hair on her pillow, it just took control of her. On the other hand, if she cuts it short, or shaves it first, BRITNEY just took control over it.
I do not think I could think of ANYONE that knows Brit to be the “rebel” type. She knows what is good and bad information. She knew her friend’s advice was right. She decided to have her mom cut her hair today. Brit decided now is the PERFECT time to try the hairstyles she has never dared do in the past.
Today is about shoulder length, and we will see what tomorrow brings. Any suggestions? I was thinking purple Mohawk.Britney did great through the whole thing. She looks beautiful no matter what. She is in control, and she knows it. I did not see one tear on her the whole time. I am glad she could not see me.
For all of you that are not close to be able to see Brit, please know that she is so strong. She is fighting this and doing everything that she is supposed to be in order to get rid of all the bad news bears. She has that smile, and light about her that we all know. I am convinced that the prayers and happy thoughts in her behalf are being felt.
Edit: I added this on after Kenzie wrote the above. This I have to do...this is Melanie, one of Brit's best friends and I must apologize to Kenzie in advance but I can not sleep. I will rarely be doing updates when Kenzie is gone or can't. I have been thinking of Brit all day and as I lay in bed trying to sleep, I have that pounding in my chest where I know I have to say something or I will burst. I just have a quick thought and I will try to keep it short. I was lucky enough to be in the room with Britney today when the nurse injected her with the Chemo.
For those who haven't been to see Britney, walking into her room is one of the most amazing feelings a human can feel. I saw heaven today as I walked in and saw her. It is as if there truly is a window open from heaven. I have a feeling of reverence when I walk in. As I watched Britney get injected, I saw courage in her eyes. And I know that most that courage came straight from our loving Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ. I feel uplifted in her presence. Britney is a perfect example of faith. Being in her room brings a feeling of love, a feeling of reverence, a feeling of love and mostly a feeling of hope. As I left the hospital, I left with the same feeling one would feel from leaving a sacred place. I STRONGLY felt the love of all our prayers so all I ask is to keep em coming. I know she can feel them and is being greatly blessed because of everyone!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Day Six
The prayers are working! Keep them coming. The cancer count in Britney’s blood is at 2% today. That is great! However, the marrow is still full of “bad news bears”, but that is what she is going to start fighting next. FYI (I have decided to call the cancer cells (“Bad News Bears”))
Brit is getting several types of medication. Some are to cure what is already there, and some are to prevent what we do not want to happen. (This could include kidney stones, and much more. We will deal with that later if we have to.)
Most medications are going through her central line at this point. She has a few meds that she rinses her mouth with to keep bacteria levels down, but for the most part, it is all through her central line. This will change day-by-day thought the treatment.
Because of Britney’s treatment, she now has diabetes. This condition comes on because of all the extra meds they are pushing through her. Before each meal, she has to have her sugars tested, and have a dose of insulin. Isn’t that great, poor thing is turning into a pin cushion. Today the nurse came in before dinner, and asked her where on her fingers she wanted the “poke”. Britney stuck out her left thumb and said to her, “Do it here, this is my NON texting finger”. I just had to laugh. That is sooooo Britney. The diabetes is something that is normal through treatment. Like I said, it comes on because of all this, and it is something that the Doc’s are well aware of. It just bums me out to see her not only having to deal with cancer, but that on top of it.
Tomorrow is the day where the “hard chemo” is started. She referred to it as “hard chemo” I think because that is when the yucky symptoms start to come on. She is scared, as anyone would be. Please keep the prayers headed in Britney’s direction. I know they are working.
Brit, you know you are loved when people are praying for you all over the globe. New York, Idaho, Slovenia, Spain, Hawaii, and that’s just to name a few I’m sure.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Day five
Wow, I cannot believe we are already on day five. Just a few more days, and HOPEFULLY we will be a ¼ of the way threw the “hard” part.
Well, some good news has already come. Wait; let me back it up a little. The day Britney was admitted, her leukemia cells were around 17%. It has been dropping since the treatment started. Today the doctor gave the news that she has reached 6%. In only 4 days of treatment. That is GREAT!!!
I was lucky enough to be there when the Dr was telling her about her results, and Brit was VERY happy to have heard some good news. It is because she is a fighter. I asked the Dr what exactly that meant for her future (As far as treatment). The Dr told us that even if, say next week for example, it was at 0%(which is what you want), that she would still have to stay there the whole 4 weeks and finish all chemotherapy. Sigh. The bad thing is that her bone marrow is packed full of cancer...
Nonetheless, it is still great news that she is already responding so well to treatment, and is well on her way onto fighting this. Keep the prayers coming; they are working.
Well, I guess today’s entry is short, sweet, and to the point. Happy Sunday to all, and to all a goodnight!!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Day Four
Two things I want to cover today. Most likely, it will turn into like 10, but for now, just two.
First thing breaks my heart, Matt and I went and visited Brit today. The side effects have officially started kicking in. She still looks great as far as color and strength. At the time I saw her which was around noon, she had already thrown up three times. She said she is just feeling a little nauseous. It breaks me up inside to realize this is just the beginning. I have been getting upset inside and wondering why her. I realize this is not the right question to ask at this time, but let’s face it, I do wonder. She’s just my little Britsky who doesn’t deserve it. Not that anyone does AT ALL, but I’m just saying. Especially not her!
What I need to remember, is that everything happens for a reason. I believe that God knows us and understands what we can handle. This is going to be a learning and growing experience for everyone involved. Britney is so positive. I’m not sure that “funny” would be the right word to describe this next sentence, but for lack of a better word right now, its “funny” how she is reacting to it all. At least when I see her. It is almost as if she doesn’t have leukemia at all. She almost laughs it off, like, oh no big deal.
I am so very very happy for her attitude. I am glad it isn’t any other way. I think it is so important that she and everyone around her do stay positive. Who knows, maybe that’s part of this life’s “test”?
Ok, moving on to the second issue. Today I went to a credit union and set Britney up a “charitable account”. As you all can imagine the situation they have found themselves in is not going to be cheap. I have not talked figures with them, as that information is not my business. With that said, a 2-income household, down to one, most likely is not easy on the pocket book. Any donations would help them out more than we could imagine I’m sure. You can call America First Credit Union. There are branches all over the state. The account is under Britney Mcpherron Graham.
Thank you all, and remember, Pray for Brit!!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Day Three
Chemotherapy has officially started. Britney had her spinal tap today around 11 and they placed some in the spine. When I say “some”, I am not quite sure what it is, other than “chemotherapy”. The nurse said she wouldn’t have side effects from that, so that’s good. The side effects will start soon though, and it is going to be a painful road for Britney. Too be honest I’m not quite sure how they say “You won’t have side effects from that,” after they have just drilled into your bones. But what do I know? I’m just a dental assistant. Just sayin.
The way I understood it, is they needed to check her bone marrow to be sure there were no mutated cells in there as well. While poking the needle through her, it is possible that bad cells get onto the needle, and have the POTENTIAL of getting into her marrow while they are checking it.. That is why they place chemotherapy in the spine. Too kill any cells that are there? I think it is a preventive measure. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
The treatment option Britney and Joe have decided to go with is not going to be easy, but it will be worth it. They have decided to do the same treatment that children do. As far as I understand that is more or less straight chemotherapy for at least 4 weeks.
Children have a very high success rate for this disease, and the study is too see if adults can potentially respond the same way. When treating adults, doctors give them the option to have some days “OFF” chemotherapy. Because it is so awful they need to have breaks to recover. Adults take the days off, because they are so sick and just want rest. Well, children on the other hand do not get much of a break, or a choice at all whether or not they can have a break. So, like I said, it is 4 weeks chemo, and no breaks even if Britney wants them. I think she may get like a day off here and there, but that’s it.
This is all for a good cause. When Joe told me this is what they chose, I knew they would not have it any other way. Britney is, and always been about helping other people. The “study” also means that Britney will have more attention. That is always a plus as well. More doctors and nurses will be checking up on her more often than usual to be certain that everything is on track.
I am so grateful to know Britney, she is my strength in so many ways. Each time I see her she is happy, and positive. Even talking about the dreaded hair loss, she just says, “It will be fine”. I had to laugh today because she asked me if I would shave my hair too. I smiled, and did not really give an answer; she looked at me and said, “If you love me, you’ll do it.” Then she looks at Joe, and asks him the same question. Joe answered “Well, I love you, Ill do it…… Thanks Joe. Make me look bad. lol
Brit, I have to be honest, I love you, but I love my hair too! I will consider cutting it though. Is that a compromise? We can cross that bridge when we get there. Maybe we can donate it or something.?. I am your best friend, and if it will help you, I will shave my head with you. We can wear beautiful scarfs and hats until it grows back. It will, so don’t even worry about it.
Everyday I learn so much from you Britney. You have already showed me so much COURAGE and I admire about you. Your appreciation for your husband is so cute. I love the way you two love each other. I admire your sweet spirit, your faith in our Savior, and so much more. I know that our Cassie is looking out for you and being your angel. I truly believe that Brit!!! PLEASE keep praying for Britney.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Day 2
Britney had a pretty awful night. The IV that was placed by her arm day one came out on a potty break in the middle of the night. It became immediately uncomfortable for her. (duh) They removed it and she was given a heating pad to help with the pain. It did not help much. By this time, it was middle of the night and she started becoming very irritable. I am sure after all the pokes and prods; you can only take so much before you want to scream. She was tired and just wanted too sleep. She estimated about 2 hours of sleep last night. I know for sure she can live off no sleep at all because we use to do it as teenagers all the time. Lol
This morning the line was placed and she said she is very grateful for it. She said it was painful, but not nearly like the IVs have been. Now they can easily medicate her, and draw blood without new bruises every time. That is a plus for sure. I know she had to give bone marrow. I haven’t talked to her about that yet personally, but somehow down the grapevine I heard that she had given it. She did not like it. Who would?
I am still very much out of the loop. I am trying to get as much info as possible, but I think at this time Britney and Joe are just trying to take it all in, and then they can start the process of repeating it to everyone time and time again once they know for sure the road they are headed on.
I was only there for a little bit with her today. Hopefully tomorrow she can have a better day. A few of us friends went up to take her some toys. She looked very tired. Someone can be tired, and upbeat at the same time right. Well, I know they can, because she was! It was a little crazy at the hospital while I was there just because the doctor had finally come to discuss treatment options. There were many people in and out the whole time, so we decided it was best to leave, and we will catch up later. All I know for now, is that she is starting Chemotherapy Saturday.
I texted Joe around 6, and I just asked how she was doing because I hadn’t heard, and this is his direct quote “Just more tests, She’s doing great, She’s so strong.” Tear! Joe, you are so amazing. Hang in there friend!
Britney is so strong, and she will do great through this whole journey. She is full of light and smiles even through all of this. I know that she feels everyone’s love. Tomorrow we are having a fast for her for anyone that would like to participate.
Day one
It is all about Britney. Britney Jill Mcpherron Graham. Who would have thought that this beautiful person would have to face something so hard?.
It’s funny how you hear awful things about other people that you don’t really know, and say to yourself, how sad, or Ill pray for them, God speed, whatever…… However, when it’s someone that you know, and truly love, and would do anything for, it actually makes you sit back and look at life. What really matters?
Well, Ill stop the suspense, Britney was diagnosed with Leukemia today. A.L.L to be exact. That stands for acute lymphatic leukemia. From what we are being told, it is very treatable, and people are healed from it often. Good thing.
Because today is literally day one, everyone involved is in shock. There will be so much information to follow I am sure of it.
This past week Britney hasn’t felt good, she has been in and out of I believe 2 or 3 different doctors offices trying to pin point what exactly is going on. Maybe some type of stones, maybe her birth control was messing with her, maybe she pulled a muscle in her side. One of the doctors finally decided to take some blood, and see if he could narrow anything down. He told her he would call her personally by Wednesday, (which was today) and tell her if anything was abnormal. Abnormal it is. I cannot believe it.
So, Britney gets the phone call and tells her that she otta come in to have a little chat. A few hours later, she is on her way to LDS hospital, and she is told she cannot leave for at least 4 weeks. Did not even have a chance to run home and get her things. Wow how life can change for someone just like that. One of those situations where they are being very cautious and want to give her the best treatment. I guess that included not risking any type of injury, just go straight to the hospital, and that is what she did.
Thank goodness Britney is the strongest gal I know. She has always been the type that only complains when it is bad.
Matt and I ran to the hospital as soon as we got the OK. Cute little thing was just sitting there being pricked by some guy. They wanted to start an IV tonight to get fluids going. Well, after he tried, he couldn’t find a good enough spot, so on to the next girl. Once…. Twice…. Nope!!! She could not get it either. Let’s try a 3rd person. Once, Twice, Third time was a charm for her. Her Iv was placed on her upper arm. Right by her armpit. That is the only place they could find a good vein. Goodness, just watching that, and how strong she already is. I would have punched the first phlebotomist who didn’t get it. Not really.
Well, back to the question that I asked earlier… What really matters?
What really matters to me right now, is that Britsky gets better. I am so happy that she has Joe (her husband) to help her through this time. Although this would not be a fun thing to deal with ever, at least she has Joe to love her and cherish her no matter what. Not only Joe, but also many others that love her and support her.
Thank goodness for blessings and prayers. Thank goodness for eternal families.
Thank heavens for doctors and all that help cure this awful disease.
I love you Britney so much. I am going to try to keep a website going for you. The more readers, the better. Because all that means is more prayers for you!!!
Just a little side note to anyone who may read this that doesn’t know me, I can not spell. So in advance, I apologize. I have a hard time proof reading, because I get bored, so if there is an unfinished sentence somewhere, feel free to use your imagination. Go ahead and fill it in in your mind Or, you could ask questions if any arise. That’s my disclaimer.
Pray for Britney! That’s all I ask!!! Ill update tomorrow. They say day 2 is a very long day. She is getting a central line placed in sometime in the AM tomorrow. As far as I understand, it is so she will not have to keep being poked with the needles. Then she will start Chemotherapy.