Friday, May 15, 2009

Day Three

Day 3
Chemotherapy has officially started. Britney had her spinal tap today around 11 and they placed some in the spine. When I say “some”, I am not quite sure what it is, other than “chemotherapy”. The nurse said she wouldn’t have side effects from that, so that’s good. The side effects will start soon though, and it is going to be a painful road for Britney. Too be honest I’m not quite sure how they say “You won’t have side effects from that,” after they have just drilled into your bones. But what do I know? I’m just a dental assistant. Just sayin.
The way I understood it, is they needed to check her bone marrow to be sure there were no mutated cells in there as well. While poking the needle through her, it is possible that bad cells get onto the needle, and have the POTENTIAL of getting into her marrow while they are checking it.. That is why they place chemotherapy in the spine. Too kill any cells that are there? I think it is a preventive measure. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
The treatment option Britney and Joe have decided to go with is not going to be easy, but it will be worth it. They have decided to do the same treatment that children do. As far as I understand that is more or less straight chemotherapy for at least 4 weeks.
Children have a very high success rate for this disease, and the study is too see if adults can potentially respond the same way. When treating adults, doctors give them the option to have some days “OFF” chemotherapy. Because it is so awful they need to have breaks to recover. Adults take the days off, because they are so sick and just want rest. Well, children on the other hand do not get much of a break, or a choice at all whether or not they can have a break. So, like I said, it is 4 weeks chemo, and no breaks even if Britney wants them. I think she may get like a day off here and there, but that’s it.
This is all for a good cause. When Joe told me this is what they chose, I knew they would not have it any other way. Britney is, and always been about helping other people. The “study” also means that Britney will have more attention. That is always a plus as well. More doctors and nurses will be checking up on her more often than usual to be certain that everything is on track.
I am so grateful to know Britney, she is my strength in so many ways. Each time I see her she is happy, and positive. Even talking about the dreaded hair loss, she just says, “It will be fine”. I had to laugh today because she asked me if I would shave my hair too. I smiled, and did not really give an answer; she looked at me and said, “If you love me, you’ll do it.” Then she looks at Joe, and asks him the same question. Joe answered “Well, I love you, Ill do it…… Thanks Joe. Make me look bad. lol
Brit, I have to be honest, I love you, but I love my hair too! I will consider cutting it though. Is that a compromise? We can cross that bridge when we get there. Maybe we can donate it or something.?. I am your best friend, and if it will help you, I will shave my head with you. We can wear beautiful scarfs and hats until it grows back. It will, so don’t even worry about it.
Everyday I learn so much from you Britney. You have already showed me so much COURAGE and I admire about you. Your appreciation for your husband is so cute. I love the way you two love each other. I admire your sweet spirit, your faith in our Savior, and so much more. I know that our Cassie is looking out for you and being your angel. I truly believe that Brit!!! PLEASE keep praying for Britney.


  1. Love you Brit! You and Joe are in our prayers and thoughts all day. I'll come see you soon. Hailey is sad that she has a cold, and can't see you yet. She can't wait to come visit. I'm sorry for all the pain you'll have to endure. Wish I could take it all away! Hope you have some sunshine in your day today, in spite of it all.

  2. Love you ...hope that all goes well today...and I want you to know..there are many little kids praying for you!!!

  3. I am so glad you made this blog for Britney, Our prayers are with her. Britney you are truly one of the sweetest girls I have ever met. I wish you the best and please know that I am thinking of you!

  4. All I can say is you are AMAZING! Amazing attitude, amazing strength, amazing spirit, amazing everything! You get the drift! It is so interesting to learn about this more. It would be amazing to see Kenzie shave her head too.... Even cut her hair would be amazing. Scissors please?You are beautiful!

  5. I know that there are hair salons out there that will donate head shaves if it is for a cancer/leukemia patient benefit thing..I know that I could line up five little boys heads from my house that would be willing...when it gets closer to that time..I can look into it and the news will even come out and do a segment on it...Kenzie can be first in line for at least a cut??? Brit..You will are beautiful with or without hair...and will grow back. You are amazing!!!!

  6. Dear Kenzie,

    You don't know me, but I grew up across the street from the McPherrons. I'm a few years younger than you guys, but I always looked up to Britney and her group of gals because they were so fun and optimistic. I just want to say thanks for being such a good person. I'm sure that Britney loves you more than you could know. Also, know that I love you for providing information about this battle that our sweet and rare friend is taking on. With this blog, even though I'm in New Mexico, I don't feel out-of-the-loop, which I appreciate. Thanks.

    Dear Britney,

    Hey! I love you so much. I admire you for being strong and for choosing a path - I have always been grateful for your kindness and generosity. Your friendship has always meant something very special and I treasure the memories I have with you. Like all of those times I hung out at your house, even though I was so much younger than you - or when I visited you in Orem, and you asked me if I drove stick - I said "no" and you said that was too bad or something, because driving automatic was "boring." I remember driving past a guys house with you...ha ha. And all of those times at church that you greeted me with such sincere joy and called me your Ky. Thanks Brit. Love you.


  7. Brit!
    Matt and I are gonna come down and see you as soon as we can. If you are feeling down, just think of Mystical. He is still my favorite cat. You are crazy strong ya know. And Joe, you are cool, I know my friend is in good hands. I love you, so much. Peace, Chuck

  8. Sestra - vsi mi v Provu molimo zate! Vem da si močna punca in da Bog je s tabo. Ko ti je težko, pomisli na lepo Slovenijo in ljudi, ki te imajo radi tam in boš lahko počutila boljše! Postili se bomo zate. Rad te imam!

    -Brat Mirglava (in tudi Sestra Mirglava!)
