Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day Twelve

Day 12
Britney’s night was a little crazy. Because of the diabetes, her sugars have been a little crazy which makes her irritable when they are high. She said she didn’t sleep well. Night time brings “night sweats” which are never fun. For all you women who have been through menopause, she sends her love. She is doing well every time they prick her fingers. She says she truly cannot feel the insulin shots at all. What a trooper. Her tummy is full of bruises, and the ones on her arm are still there, and still large.
Britney truly never ceases to amaze me. I am just so proud of her. I spent quite a while with her tonight, and there is nothing but a smile on her face. I am sorry if I sound like a broken record, but she is taking this adventure like a champ.
I am sure when the lights go out, and its nothing but her and her thoughts, she is terrified. I am sure that the thought of losing her hair, the possibility of becoming infertile, the thought that she may be so sick that she may not want to even get out of bed, the possibility that this 4 weeks isn’t that last 4 weeks of chemo. All of these things and more probably do haunt her thoughts. But that is not what matters.
What matters is that she understands that the Lord knows her situation. She is confident that this cancer is going to be short lived. She knows that she can do it. She knows that her life will forever be changed and she is going to fight.
Brit, I love you so much. I love your stories. I absolutely love listening to you. I love spending time with you and being here.
Mel, Thank you so much for taking over for a few days. You did a great job.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the night sweats. I identify with you on those. I sleep with a towel near by 8-)

    Try to stay in the present moment. Take it one moment, one day at a time.

    I hope you sleep well tonight.
